Worksafe – workplace wellbeing training

From reduced productivity through to fraud, the impact of gambling related harm in the workplace can be significant. Worksafe offers the advice, training, and tools employers need to protect their business and support the mental, physical, and financial wellbeing of their people.

For employers and business support organisations

From reduced productivity through to fraud, the impact of gambling related harm in the workplace can be significant. Worksafe offers the advice, training, and tools employers need to protect their business and support the mental, physical, and financial wellbeing of their people.

Gambling during working hours is the tip of the iceberg.

There are at least 400,000 people currently experiencing serious gambling related harm in the UK, with a further 2 million at risk (Public Health England). Out of control gambling can damage relationships, finances, and physical and mental health. At work, productivity, ambition, and engagement may be affected, as well as adherence to safety protocols and vulnerability to criminal activity.

Worksafe was created to provide tailored support to employers, as they develop a wellbeing at work approach to gambling harms whilst at the same time mitigating business risk.

  • Organisations of all sizes across multiple sectors, both private and public.
  • Business support organisations such as Employee Assistance Providers.
Why Worksafe?
Mitigate financial and reputational risk.
Manage people policy and performance.
Maximise safety and wellbeing at work.

The Worksafe programme is delivered by Betknowmore Global.

If you would like to discuss the Worksafe programme further, please contact the Worksafe Team
Why Worksafe?
Mitigate financial and reputational risk.
Manage people policy and performance.
Maximise safety and wellbeing at work.
FREE Gambling Harms Toolkit

The Worksafe programme is delivered by Betknowmore Global.